The augustians was finally celebrated after much delays, well @ least it was celebrated in the fasting month and.... we save a lot of $$$$$$$ yahooo.......... but that doesnt mean.... nah.... forget it hehehehe. It wasnt that usual type of celebration, no berbecue-ing, no eat all day well fasting right. But this year the cake thingy was cut after......

a hajat prayer for our dad... the leader of our clan hehehe the..... oh well he was having
angioplasty which he requested since if he undergo the bypass surgery wont make it possible for him to perform haj this year. But off the record I still want him to undergo the bypass though, but that was his choice right, as was mine when the doctor gave me 2 options when I broke my leg. hey... that were options, his wasnt.... anyway now dad is recovering, hope he can perform haj this year amin...... Oh by the way the hajat prayer was after the tahleel for our late mom, grandads, grandmas, relatives and all the muslims that have passed away before us, may they rest in peace and

The hmmmmmmm victim again :)
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