Last Saturday, we went to
Blue Eden for sungkai, was just six of us, but it was quite a good fun experience. Not trying to be a food critic, but the $6.50 per head buffet was really worth it. They dont have that much choices though, but like I said, it is worth it. I started by well of course drinking plain water, then I drank the soup. It looked like just plain soup with crab sticks floating with some other ingredients, but tasting it was really quite a different experience. The soup really tastes good. Then I tasted the tang hoon, quite hot/spicy but nice, I love it. The menus were 2 types of rice, 2 different dishes of chicken, the tang hoon, the soup, I think rendang meat, and bamboo shoot which in italy, they called it fetucini hehehehe. That was a joke, well she thought it was fetucini. You know who you are. Anyway all the dishes taste good, really worth the price. Oh the milk tea tea also nice......

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Then after the sungkai, we went cruising in the carnival as requested by the other guy in above pic ;) We went to Bandar Seri Begawan, take few photos, then wanted to go to Gadong area, unfortunately it was jammed, so we just head back to Kiulap where all our cars are parked except mine though :). It was an enjoying night, especially for me who's living in a small world :).
If I'm to post the whole pics taken that night you will know who's are the most.......
But ofcourse I wont ;)some of the photos taken during the tour
HEREoooppssss Click HERE for the finale