Friday, April 10, 2009

Jangan Tegur

I went to watch that movie last night. It was quite good actually, a really malay horror movie. The first five minutes was really thrilling, lots of screaming and for once, I dont mind people screaming and talking and swearing how stupid the movie is, not that the movie is kinda lame, but they were suspensed by the way they, the director and the crew manipulated our mind. But yes it was horrifying for some, including me, sometime jolted, surprised when the thing suddenly pops out. Well who doesnt even the guy sitting next to me screamed and sometime closed his eyes with his hands, luckily I can control myself, control the "machoness" hahahaha. But there were more than 1 ghosts in that movie, there were white ghost, black ghost, crying ghost, flying ghosts, running ghosts, standing ghosts, even ghost that cried in the toilet. Do you thing that ghost are trying to scare/haunt people, or that ghost just suffering, really struggling to "deliver", wahahahahaha. The make up is quite convincing especially the last make up, I like.

Anyway for me that movie is a 4 out of 5, one that I'm not satisfied with was that I was waiting, want-ing to see which part of that movie that shows thing/s or what or when we should just ignore, well the title is Jangan Tegur right, Will someone tell me? I wont spoil the adrenaline rush of watching that movie, but if someone have watched that movie, kindly tell me which part because as of me that movie was all about dot dot dot, oh just watch it, to feel the jolt :) and the movie is nice and horrorifying. Well that is a view from someone who seldomly watched malay movie, but then again, I think I will watch Syurga cinta, after watching the trailer ;), to get in touch with my soft side hehehehehe.

Watch the movie but Jangan tegur............ if you'd watched alone make sure you went home alone, but if you're not, and the extra person doesnt look quite like human then try to ignore it if you can hahahahah, unless you friend already look like something else. ;)

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